Monday 17 January 2011

7- Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task i think I have learnt a lot, wether it to be with filming, editing or organization.

With filming I have realized the importance of holding a steady shot, getting the correct angles on a shot and how important it is to be audience friendly. With editing I have realized how much patience is needed to edit a lot of footage and with a little bit extra effort the editing can be a real success, I have not learnt much about effects but I have learn't how to crop and make my film look a little more cinematic which I think was  a decent skill to learn. 

I have discovered more about shot types, learnt the complexity of getting certain shots and how they work. With my film I worked with a lot of extreme and normal close ups, I have worked on racking shots as well as to stick with my abstract theme I have got a lot of out of focus footage.

I didn't have to use the 180 degree rule in my opening sequence, however I think I could have comfortably achieved one using the experience gained from the work for the preliminary task. Neither did I have to use shot reverse shot. However, I did have to use match on match action when the character left the main scene and entered down the stairs, I would not been able to achieve this without the experience gained from my preliminary task. 

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