Friday 14 January 2011

6- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt to use different technologies throughout this process
The first being the camera:

When filming my piece I decided I wanted to use the Sony HVR-HD 1000P -
I liked the quality of the footage captured from it, also it was good to use with the tripod. I could use the camera to get good close ups, I switched the focus to manual in order to get a lot of my footage because a lot of it consisted of racking and abstract shots. I used a firewire to capture my footage.

A tripod was also essential in order to capture my footage, it helped me get steady shots and get into places i wouldn't be able to naturally.

The program I used when editing my footage was Adobe Premier Pro, it was fairly easy to use as I did not intend on adding many special effects. However, I think if I had to add a lot of special effects I would have found the editing process a lot more difficult. I also used Premier Pro to edit my soundtrack to the opening, as all i had to do was cut it and make it longer, this process was fairly simple.

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