Friday 10 December 2010


"Finally I have come to filming my last clip to complete the opening sequence task, this took quite a lot of preparation. I had to find a room and make sure nobody else needed to use it, I fished around and found a classroom that wasn't being used for the day and set up. I used the tripod to get the camera nice and high and propped it up on some tables. The scene is meant to look like Jordan has just woke up from passing out at a party, for this I wanted to create a kind of messed up room with a lot of rough looking people. For this I had to find some extras to lay behind Jordan to act as passed out party goers, I managed to find some friends that were willing to do it, they were: 
Patrick Scarboro
Emma Lavelle
Lacey Cottam
Abbie Blizzard
Callum King

I had to place them around the room in places that looked natural, I had to ask Lacey to do the girls and boys make up, I wanted them to look like they had been to a party the night before so I put kiss marks on the boys faces and mascara lines on the girls, we also put some eyeliner on the boys and smudged it over their faces. I brought some clothes in for the girls and one of the boys to wear, they wore ravey kind of clothes and I chose what they wore. Then I put lots of props all over the room so I put things like rubbish, empty alcohol bottles, wires, bags, clothes, cigarettes etc. I placed them on the actors and around them.

I didn't expect the scene to go particularly well as it involved numerous people and lots of props. But surprisingly it went excellently thanks to the extras help and the vacancy of the room. I am pleased with the outcome, this is a video to show the setting up of the scene;"

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