Thursday 16 December 2010




  1. The crosscuts of the night and morning after with the different camera shots work really well in holding the attention of the audience as you want to know more about what happened.

  2. This is a quality piece of work. It is relevant to the youth now so it is something to relate to. The acting was good and you can tell that a lot of preparation and planning went into making it work. The location it was filmed was good because its in the right type of environment and the use of different equipment to make it look more real was good.

    The right choice of music was also being played because it made it run through clearly and the types of fonts used were good.

    There is not a lot to improve because its a good opening sequence maybe just to have less titles.


  3. Love this film opening.
    Really relates to youth and teenagers in this generation.
    The flashbacks and the character the morning after changing really catches the audiences attention and keeps their eye on the opening wondering what is going to happen next.
    Good choice of music to go with the opening, and the title fonts were simple but effective for the film which also worked well.

  4. I really enjoy this opening. This is definitely something i would watch. The way you've captured the youth side, but made it adult as well is very affective. The music you have picked couldn't have complimented the video more. Well done

  5. I realy enjoyed watching your film opening

    It is really good as it relates to our agegroup and therefore makes it more interesting to watch.

    I like how you have defined youth at the start of the film as i think it looks very effective and is an original and different way of starting it off.

    The music used is very effective and suites the film really well. I like the variety of camera angles you have used and how you have cross cut them all in together. The flash backs of the night before in black and white also look really effective and makes the meaning and story of the film really clear.

    Very good well done

  6. The camera angles chosen work really well, the extreme close up used at the beginning creates a confusing atmosphere and as it goes on the story line is made clear with all the flash backs to the night before. The music is very effective and goes well with the story line. The ending of your opening sequence leaves us wanting to see more just as it should.
    You could have spread your titles out a bit more for improvement.

  7. Hello Nick,
    Your opening sequence works really well and is set for a good age group; I feel that you have used good use of the camera as you have a good variety of shots also being steady and good angles. Your use of font and sound track works well with the genre.

    Lily’s Comments

  8. Hi we are three A2 students that have just viewed your film its amazing. The editing is creative and you have obviously put a lot of work into it, well done and the influence from Skins etc is great!
