Monday 22 November 2010

Starting The Task

Over the weekend I began making the final task. I started shooting footage to put towards my opening sequence, I managed to get a lot done however this is not all of it.

Tree Estate, Dartford
West Hill, Dartford

I managed to get a majority of my scenes done, I completed the final scene. However the final scene idea had to undergo some changes due to a resident coming down from the flats and being an idiot, he had issues with us filming near his house and he had issues with our props and clothing. But I thank God he came and had a moan, because this led to a different idea being developed which worked out fantastically and a lot better than the initial one. So I thank you angry scottish man for making my idea ten times better. We also got the kiss scene, the fight scene and some credit rolling footage. The kiss scene was fairly awkward to shoot, as we had to use fake kissing (the actor has a girlfriend). The fight scene was awkward for the actors as its quite hard to do fake fighting without professional training, this in turn made the footage i captured weak and unreal. To fix this I made the fight flashback blurred and dark, and made lots of cuts in it to only reveal the good bits of fighting, this gave a good effect for a flashback and made the clip a better length. The credit rolling footage was off the top of a car park roof, this caused problems because the security of the car park did not approve of us shooting off of their roof (I have no idea why, they wouldn't give us a clear reason) and the other parts were just footage of me driving in my mums car which was simple enough. So really after this weekend I have progressed a lot footage wise, this morning in class I have began to sequence the footage and add some effects, this can not be completed as I don't have all of my footage yet. However, I do plan on getting the rest of my footage over the week and weekend, so my estimated time of completion is about the end of next week. Also today at one point I have a friend turning up to do a voice over for me, this is going to be used in the opening. Which I have also developed, I am going to open it with titles and a definition of the titles and a voice over, this should give it a deep effect. Here are a couple of screenshots from this morning's editing

My Shot List;
opening - title (faded in)
credits - mid shot (out of focus on car lights)
main scene - extreme close up of jordan's eyes (panning out)
credits - close up (out of focus into focus on tommy smoking)
main scene - close up (panning out revealing more of jordan and his background)
credits - mid shot (out of focus into focus on tommy smoking)
main scene - panning out (revealing more of jordan and his background)
credits - close up, extreme close up (cutting between different shots)
main scene - panning out (revealing more of jordan and his background)
kiss scene - mid shot (out of focus in black and white)
main scene - panning out (revealing more of jordan and his background)
rave scene - mid shot/close up (cuts between different shots in black and white in and out of focus)
main scene - panning out (revealing almost all of jordan)
fight scene - mid/long shot
main scene - aerial shot (revealed all of jordan and background now he walks out)
final scene - follow shot (with added title at the end)


What I have learnt from the whole experience;
1) Steer clear of Dartford when filming
2) Kissing scene's would be better with people willing to actually kiss
3) Fighting scene's need some professional training
4) Changing idea's at last minute can lead to good results and are not always a bad thing
5) Cutting things up and come with good results

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