Thursday 18 November 2010

Early Stages Of The Final Task

"I have now started preparation for the final task, 
I had already done a little bit by finding my soundtrack. I have found the music I would like to use, and I am using an Electronic music producer called Hackman's track named 'Untitled'. 

I have finished my storyboard, on this I have listed my shots I want to use and figured out the length of every shot. From this storyboard I can see my opening sequence coming together a little bit. Here are a couple pictures of my storyboard-

I have started to find my actors, the confirmed people I have so far are:

Main actor - Jordan Stearn
Victim - Tommy Barnes

Rave extra's -
Yvonne Godby
Lacey Cottam
Lanier Bullen-Mason
Chris Ogunsola
Patrick Scarboro
Joe Robinson
Abbie Blizzard

Other Extra's -
Georgie Whitmore
Frankie Howard

I will be needing a couple more rave extra's and a couple more other extra's. I will be organizing this in the next couple of days.

My production schedule was a bit all over the place, as I was planning on filming one of my scenes last wednesday but something came up which meant I had to move it on to next wednesday. However I am filming this Sunday, and I am filming the fight scene, the kiss scene, the sick scene and the final scene/walking out of flat scene. Then my opening scene is going to be filmed one day next week. This should give me a comfortable amount of time to edit and make any changes (if needed)."

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