Monday 1 November 2010

Sequence Re-Make - Anchorman Opening

For this task we had to choose a film opening to recreate, we had to draw up storyboards, gather actors, find a set, shoot the footage and edit it.

"Organizing a film crew: actors, cameramen, extras etc. proved to be fairly easy for the film we chose as me and Obed managed to do all of this between us me being the actor, Obed being the camera-man, extras were unnecessary and between us me and Obed had the ability to edit it ourselves. When it came to organizing costume I had to find myself a moustache, this was fairly easy as all I had to do was go to a fancy dress shop and pick myself up a cheap moustache, wearing it in public wasn't all that fun though. I had about seven hundred kids running up to me in school saying 'oh my god why have you got a moustache' or 'nice moustache... idiot', so wearing the costume in public wasn't my idea of fun. However the character I was impersonating wore suits and this is what I have to wear for sixth form, so the clothing was not a big issue for me.

Me looking dashing with my tash

Camera angles did not come up with many problems as the angles we were capturing footage from were fairly simple, the shots included in our opening sequence were ones like the racking shot, medium close-up, extreme close up, close up and medium long. We achieved the angles we wanted to, and we thought it was to a good standard. When drawing out a storyboard me and Obed realized the importance of doing it, it helped us to figure out the timings, the shots we needed to use and for me as the actor the lines I had to use in different shots. 

Managing time proved to be extremely important, everything took a lot longer than we thought it would, for instance finding a set on our second day turned out to be a nightmare as no classrooms were available for us so we had to change our place. Also our poor time management has led to us having to make a shorter film than anticipated, as we were meant to make an opening that lasted three or four minutes. So we gained the experience to know that time management is extremely important.

Unfortunately we didn't use a good actor, it was my first time doing any kind of acting and this may have had effect on our final product. Working with reliable people is definetely an important thing with this kind of project, luckily as only me and Obed were involved in the project we did not have to rely on people outside of the class/group, but I imagine if we did have to rely on other people it would have been difficult.

When picking a set we had to be sensitive in the fact it had to be fairly simular to the set we were trying to imitate as the set would have been pretty difficult to build. We did not have to worry about any weather conditions as our set was all inside. Me and Obed were fairly comfortable with our set-up it was nothing complex, we just rearranged the desks in a classroom and got to work. 


Setting up the project was really easy for me and Obed, Obed had previous experience in the editing software and I gained knowledge of the programme both from my teacher explaining the ins and outs of the editing process and being taught certain other things i was not too clear on myself. 

I learnt from this project how to import footage into the editing software we use. This will prove to be extremely handy in future projects as before learning it I had no idea how to. Exporting was not a problem for me though, as I use similar software myself for music editing and the exporting process is fairly similar to the one i use when editing music. 

I learnt how to cut footage when I did my 'London Edit' (towards the bottom of the blog), this project however did put the cutting skills to the test and helped to improve them.

Again I had already learnt how to unlink sound in the 'London Edit', but this process came in extremely handy when editing the footage as some clips did not need sound at-all.

Again I had already learnt how to scale and resize clips from the 'London Edit' I made earlier on in the project, but this was a vital process that I had to use it was needed to make the clips correspond with the timings we had written in the storyboard. When adding effects Obed did a lot of the work, my job was to put all of the clips together in the right order and to manage and add effects to the sounds, altough I did work on the titles of the actors names and for that I had to use Adobe Photoshop.

I thought this was going to be an easy process as the font used for Anchorman is very simple and looks quite common, however it proved to be fairly difficult and took many complex steps on Photoshop to imitate, however after some fiddling around with the effects on Photoshop for some time I think Obed and I managed to make a fairly decent copy."

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