Thursday 23 September 2010

Analysis Of Film Openings

In this task I have to analyze 3 different film openings,

The first one I chose was comedy/parody: Black Dynamite

First Impression?
My first impression is that this is definitely not a serious film, for instance the way the man speaks is quite humorous and his accent does not match his appearance. Also stupid things are done by the actors, for instance when the male in the middle is shot (6 times) one of the henchmen still go and check if he is dead, which he obviously would be.

The Mood Created?
There is suspense created by two things:

The Music - The strings create tension by being high pitched, also when it fades out when the mysterious man begins his dialogue it creates mood change by the way it changes, the tempo rises and different instruments are played and introduced.

Characterization - The way that they introduce the mysterious figure in the car by blacking him out and making sure the audience doesn't see any of his facial features and make him unrecognizable creates an eery effect, as it leaves the audience wondering who the figure could be. Towards the end of the scene we do not discover his identity but we find that his mysteriousness is there for a reason, because he kills one of the other characters. The reason he is blacked out in the opening scene becomes more apparent towards the end of the film, because he is the objective of the main character, however we do not find out any of this in the opening scene.

Camera Angles?
In the opening the camera pans and zooms out above the 3 characters, then cuts to a zoom shot on the 3 characters again as the rival car approaches their presence. There is a zoom shot towards their faces as they approach the car that has just arrived which is used to capture the emotion and reaction of the three characters. Then there is another zoom shot towards the mysterious figure in the car, which gives emphasis on his status as having the most power over every other character in the scene. 

The sound sets the scene for the film, you can tell it is quite a run down area already by looking around the setting but you can hear the ambience of barking dogs, barking dogs usually signal danger so you sense the feeling of danger around. The music used creates tension and shows the movement in the scene.

In the editing sound effects have been mixed in, like the gunshots and the dog barking. Where the shots are concerned editing has been used in the part where one of the henchmen shoot the crack dealers, this kind of editing is called split screen and it shows the same thing happening in two different scenes from different views.

In the scene the props used include the vehicles and the guns. The scene itself is set in a dry riverbed, it looks run down and shabby which shows that the scene is set in quite a poor area. The clothes the three characters are wearing make it apparent of when the film is set in, as they are wearing fashion only worn in the 70's. The henchmen are wearing typical henchmen uniform - plain suit.

The characters used are very cliche, the 3 crack dealers have the typical 70's street look, Black-American with afros and berets and pimp hats, these characters suit their target well. The henchmen are big and ugly looking, they look like brutes which all henchmen usually do.

The second one I chose was the film: Layer Cake

First Impression?
My first impression of the opening is that this is to be a clever film and the man speaking is quite smooth talking and sophisticated. It gives a good insight on what the film your about to watch is about without giving the story-line away.

The Mood Created?
Quite a neutral relaxed mood is created by the music and the way that Daniel Craig is speaking, even though some of the clips used are violent or scenes that should be loud the sounds being played make it seem fairly calm and neutral.

Camera Angles?
Camera angles and shots used in this opening scene include zooming in and out, pan shots, close ups and extreme close ups. An example of one of the extreme close ups is given when the tranisiton is played using the scared woman, it is done to capture emotion on the victims of the robbery's faces (so this shot could also be interpreted as a reaction shot). It pans from the robbery to a close up of her face but continues in the same shot. 

The sound plays a key part to this opening, it creates the mood and gives an excellent feel to the film. Instead of making what should have been loud and in your face sounds the norm they have changed it so they are quiet and faded away, for instance when the armed robber starts shouting it is faded behind the music. The monologue/voice-over spoke by Daniel Craig is spoken calmly and softly even though some of the things he is talking about is quite tense and violent, for instance when somebody usually swears it is done in an aggressive tone but when it is done in this voice over it is spoken softly to create a feeling of neutralness. The song playing is Fc Kahuna - Hayling, which is a relaxing song in the Chillout genre, which again is used for effect to mask up all of the illegal and violent going on in some of the clips. 

The very first shot has a slow motion effect used on it and is in black and white to show the time it was set in then the colour slowly fades into the scene as the transition is queued to show that the time period is changing. The products in the chemist have been edited to change as Daniel Craig walks along side them, they change into what he's talking about and then to show that this is not a normal product that is sold in the shops that he is talking about it turns back to what it should actually be towards the end of the scene. Also there has been a wipe effect added as a transition between the different scenes.

The props used in this opening scene include guns, vehicles, fake smoke, prison hall set up, perfume bottles and chemist stock. There are four different scene settings, the first one is at the scene of an armed robbery, the second one is in a hippy's house, the third is in a prison hall and the last one is in a chemist. The clothing worn by the actors make it apparent of what they are meant to be and very cliche ways of dress are used. For instance the armed gunman is wearing a leather jacket and a pair of tights over his head which typical robber attire. 

The characters portrayed in this opening scene are armed robbers, scared victims, hippies and a business type looking man. The man in the last scene is not particularly the man doing the voice over, it wouldn't become apparent to an audience until the next scene (however everybody knows who Daniel Craig is and know the sound of his voice so its pretty obvious).

The third and final film I chose to analyze was: Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels

First Impression?
The first impression I get from watching this opening scene is that this film is going to be exciting as it is against the law and fast moving. I get an impression on the characters as I am introduced to them by the voice over.

Mood Created?
The mood is mischevious and exciting, as you see one of the main characters doing something illegal and running away from the law. The mood set by the music and camera shots make it an exciting start which makes an audience want to watch the rest of the film to find out what the characters do next.

Camera Angles?
The first camera angle is zooming in on 'Bacon' which ends up as a close up to express his emotions while he is trying to sell his stock, the second shot when the characters are running away is a trolley shot from infront of them which follows them round as they jump over the barriers. 

The dialogue created gives a quick impression in to what the characters are like and where they are from (cockney, London). Then to build excitement when the police arrive to shut down their operation a loud and fast song is played to build excitement this song is called 'Hundred Mile High City' by Ocean Colour Scene. There is an ambience created by the punters buying from the stall.

To being with there seems to be a sepia kind of effect added to the camera, and then as 'Bacon' and 'Ed' are running away from the police there is a slow motion effect added to give the voice over time to introduce them both properly. 

The scene is set in a back alleyway to emphasize the characters personalities and to introduce the kind of things they are up to, as back street places are usually affiliated with crime. Props used in this opening scene are things like the jewelry that 'Bacon' is selling, the market table he is selling from and the briefcase that he throws down the stairs. 

The characters are instantly introduced to us as being fairly mischievous and against the law, it foreshadows their character personalities for later on in the film. We are introduced to them and told a little more about them by the voiceover, which makes the audience feel closer to them and gives a better understanding for later dialogue between other characters.

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