Thursday 11 November 2010

Main Task Ideas

For my main task I have to create an opening sequence for a new fictional film, it must last up to 2 minutes and be all original footage.

Pitch 1
"My first idea is one that I am quite excited about, I am stuck to the idea and can not think of anything better. I want to make an opening for a film called 'Youth', the title makes the film fairly self explanatory. I would like to base the film on something I have discovered myself and something that I think other people my age and maybe older/younger would be interested in.

My first scene would be of a male actor laying down on the floor surrounded by empty bottles, rubbish and sleeping people. I want it so that the camera is an extreme close up of just his eyes, the camera begins to slowly zoom out as a voice over and song begins to play. I have already decided on my soundtrack and have arranged to use it with the producer of it; Hackman -, I am going to use his song 'Untitled' untitled 96 kbps by Hackman

From every 10-12 seconds the camera cuts to a black& white slow-motion flashback of the night before, I would like to do 3-4 flashback scenes consisting of a party, socializing and relations etc. Then once the camera has fully zoomed out it would show a full scene of people passed out around the character, rubbish everywhere, the actor would proceed to get up and leave the room.

I would then like to do a scene where the actor comes out of a flat door and runs down the stairs, I would have to use continuity editing to make the coming out of the flat door shot possible, then I would like to use an aerial shot of the actor running down the stairs, cutting the shots to make it faster.

Then to finish off I would like to film the actor walking out of the building, I would use a following shot for this, then once he is outside the actor stays in shot puts up his hood and lights a cigarette then walks out of shot, then the title 'Youth' would appear. 

My inspiration comes from self experience and a TV show called 'Skins'. Skins consists of teenagers living a pretty crazy life style, I enjoy this because their lives seem interesting and I would love to create a similar scene. Other shows/films that could add to my influence would be ones like 'This Is England', 'This Is England 86', 'The Inbetweeners' & 'Adulthood'."

Pitch 2
"For my second idea I would like to do a film about a teenage girl that gets bullied because she is different, it would be more of a drama. For the first scene I would like there to be a scene of her waking up in the morning and getting ready, the entire opening would be of her walking to school and people insulting her as she goes.

The first scene would consist of an extreme close up of her eyes while she's asleep, the eyes open in an instant to the sound of an alarm, then there would be a cut to the bathroom where the camera shot would be an over the shoulder so you can see her in the mirror splashing her face with water. Ideally I would like the mirror to be one of those ones that opens up because it has storage inside. Then she can open up the mirror and then when the mirror closes again I would like to make a cut so that she is completely ready to go.

The second scene would consist of a following shot as she walks to school, on her way I'd like there to be actors that look the cliche school kid;
Boy actor -
- Just Do It Bag
- Spikey Hair
- Short Tie
- Untucked Shirt

Girl actor
- Far too much make up
- Someone else's hoody
- Long extensions
- Big hoop earings
- Pauls boutique bag

When she walks past them they insult her about her being different.

The opening ends by her walking into a classroom and shutting the door, it would be a following shot until she gets to the door which closes in-front of the camera. On the door graffiti'd on would be the title 'Differences'. Then that would be the end of the opening.

I get my inspirations for this because I know its something that is very common among my target audience- teenagers and children. If I made the entire film it would consist of the girl fighting back and becoming popular, but for the opening it would have to be dramatic and depressing to set the scene of how bad her situation is. Also because it is common among my target audience I think it would definitely be a popular film because my audience could relate to it."

Pitch 3
For my third pitch I would like to make a film about a DJ/Producer trying to find success. The scene would start off with following him through a loud and active rave, but then it would cut to him in his pants and socks with his headphones on dancing around the room on his own singing the song that was playing in the rave. This film would be more of a comedy one and I'd try to make it as funny as possible.

I'm not too sure how I would carry on the opening, I think I'd just make a montage of the actor making songs and mixing and dancing on his own, whilst playing a song and rolling the credits. But I would want the actor to maybe be geeky looking, not really the social type. This would add to the humor because usually people that have this stereotype attached to them are not into rave.

My inspiration comes from the film 'Human Traffic' which focuses on the raves of the 80's and 909's and is a kind of comedy which shows about the problems that come with   taking drugs. Here is the trailer for it;


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