Monday 15 November 2010

Prelim Task

"For this task we had to film an actor walking through a door and having a few lines of dialogue between him/her and another character. The idea I came up was to have an armed robbery, where the gunman prepares himself for the robbery we follow him into the shop and then show the initial robbery.

Firstly me and Obed discussed ideas for the task, then once we had decided on the robbery we began to draw out the storyboard which included the shot list. After this we went and gathered a few actors; Jordan Stearn, Yvonne Godby and Ryan Oakley. Then eventually found a room, we used a stock room to set the scene of a kind of warehouse. The props we used were tights for Jordan's face and a model gun I brought from home. After about an hour of shooting we managed to get all of the footage we needed, we then proceeded to take the camera's back, capture and begin to edit the footage and sequence it together. I took care of the camera angles and filming, Obed took care of the editing and effects, I made the soundtrack for the film using Logic Pro. 

I found this task quite fun because it allowed me to be creative with what we shot, also I like creating tense films. Things that became a problem were finding sets, but things worked out in the end. All in all I think this task went quite well."


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