Monday 15 November 2010

Font Research

"For my opening sequence I need to find some fonts to use for my titles and credits,

I am looking for a fairly plain type of font, and the colours I am going to use are going to be only white & black, as I would like my credits to be fairly simple and subtle.

This is what I could find-

This is called White Tie Affair, it has a kind of sketchy feel to it and it could work-

I think the ink blots give a nice effect

This font is called Telegrafico, I'm not too sure about this one, but maybe it could work because it is plain and would maybe suit the subtleness I am trying to pull off.

I like the main title of this but I am not too keen on the 'By Nick Jacobs' part.

This is called Forelle, 
Maybe it could work but then again I dont think it would work because it does not stick to the youth theme.

However I do like this, because its kind of like a tattoo font so it has a rebelious feel to it. 

I'm not too sure which one of these I am going to use in my final product, who knows I may end up using them all in a way."

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