Friday 14 January 2011

3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What is a production company?
A production company is the part of film making that is responsible for doing things like raising funds, providing equipment and crew and all of the physical elements of filming. So the production company doesn't actually think up the ideas themselves, they will work in partnership with the writer of the anticipated film and have some but not all creative input. However, some production companies are tied in with the writers and are sometimes used privately to them or specific people. For instance Clint Eastwood has his own production company and he will use the same people for every one of his films.

What is a distribution company?
A distribution company are simply the people that take the film once it has done and make the sales and do the marketing side of the film. They have nothing to do with the creative input in the film.

Where would the money have come for a film like mine?
Because my film was fairly urban, aimed at young people and all british I would look towards someone like the UK Film Council who get their funding from The National Lottery for the funding to make my film possible.

Why are the various people named in the titles?
The people that are named in the opening titles usually have the most important jobs, the rest of the people are named in the end credits. People such as the director, producer, who it was written by, main actors, who it was funded by, editor etc. In my film I have named nearly all of the people listed, in this order;

  1. Production name
  2. Main actors
  3. Other actors
  4. Music by
  5. Filmed by
  6. Edited by
  7. Director
  8. Written by

Films that would be institutionalised in the same way;
Films like Adulthood, Kidulthood, Harry Brown and Shank. They are all funded by The UK Film council and produced in similar ways. Also they are based on the same kind of thing.

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