Friday 14 January 2011

2- How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This is my main character;
His name in the film is Jordan.
Outgoing, ruthless, unlwaful, loud, funny, smokes, drinks, takes drugs, is a bit of a layabout, menace to society and young.

Comparison to-
Cook from skins

Outgoing, ruthless, unlwaful, loud, funny, smokes, drinks, takes drugs, is a bit of a layabout, menace to society, is a ladys man and young.

My main character is simular to Cook from skins in every way, Cook was my main inspiration when thinking up a main character, thats not to say I copied Cook's characteristics. I took his best ones and merged it into my character, I enjoyed the series Skins and always thought that Cook was the best character because he appealed to everyone. 

Where appearance and costume is concerned Jordan and Cook look quite simular, simular kind of hair and features and have a style that is almost the same; rough indie type. Wearing jeans, tee shirts, denim, trainers, rough shoes etc. They also share a simular role, as Jordan does the same kind of things as Cook does in Skins in the film. For instance in one of the series of Skins Cook beats up a local gangster and ends up paying the consequences, which is what Jordan does (except he doesn't beat up a gangster its just a local rival) in the opening. Also in the film Jordan would be the main source for excitement throughout.

This is Cook in action;

This is my main character;
His name in the film is Jordan.
Outgoing, ruthless, unlwaful, loud, funny, smokes, drinks, takes drugs, is a bit of a layabout, menace to society and young.

Comparison to-
Chris from Skins

Characteristics -
Funny, outgoing, unlawful, young, drinks, takes drugs, smokes, is thick, naive, happy and is a party animal.

Both my character and his character take part in the same activities such as taking drugs, drinking, partying etc. So they are in some ways quite simular, however they do have some differences whereas Chris is quite a dopey character and is happy all of the time my character Jordan can be quite on the ball and can switch into aggressive or sad moods.

Jordan and Chris do have a fairly simular appearence, same kind of hair and style: messy. As far as costume is concerned Chris dresses fairly differently to Jordan in the film, as Chris dresses in UV colours and rave clothes where as Jordan dresses more rugged and rough. In Skins Chris is not a main character unlike jordan, he is just a sub character that tells a different story, however he is a character we as an audience manage to love which again is fairly different to the character I am trying to paint. I want Jordan to be loved at times, but at other times I want an audience to think "what the hell are you doing, what an idiot"!

Chris in action;

This is my main character;
His name in the film is Jordan.
Outgoing, ruthless, unlwaful, loud, funny, smokes, drinks, takes drugs, is a bit of a layabout, menace to society and young.

In comparison to-
Sam from AduLTHOOD
Characteristics - 
Rough, harsh, unlwaful, done wrong, sad, aggressive, violent, deep and fed up.

Jordan and Sam are both main characters that have done wrong and are now paying for it, Sam kills someone in the past film KidULTHOOD and is now making up for it in AduLTHOOD. However, Jordan is a lot more positive than sam and has a lot more fun than him, Sam doesn't find the time to party, drink, smoke, take drugs etc. in the film whereas in my film that would be pretty much the main focus.

Jordan and Sam look a lot differently, Jordan is white where as Sam is black, Sam has more of an urban look whereas Jordan has more of an Indie look. Their costume differs highly, Sam would wear fresh trainers, baggy jeans and almost all of the time throughout the film a hooded up hoody whereas Jordan would wear skinny jeans, a scruffy hoody and scruffy t-shirts and shirts.

Sam in action;

So in conclusion I think an established main character you could compare my one to would be Cook from Skins.

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