Monday 13 September 2010

6 Images - Every Picture Tells A Story

"This is my finished product from the 'Every Picture Tells A Story' task.  I took 6 photos and sequenced them together to build a story, this story tells us about me drinking a drink, needing a wee, going to the toilet and being happy about going. I used extreme close ups for picture 1 and 2, I did this for effect. The effect being as it is closer you can see the detail of me going into my bag to select the drink, and more detail on me opening the drink. On picture 3 i used a close up shot, so you could see clearly that I was drinking, then on shot 4 I didn't use an extreme close up because I wanted to show the body movement I was doing to show that I was busting for the toilet. In pictures 5, 6 & 7 I used mid-shot to capture my body movement and facial expressions. 

If I was to do it again I would have made the following improvements:

  • Taken the correct amount of images instead of using 7
  • Done more long shots to see the surroundings and the location of where i was moving towards
  • A big close up for the final image to show the emotions expressed by my facial expressions"

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